Categorizing Things is Overrated

Belly Laughs

Jack laughed his first belly laugh today.  Patrick called me up and I listened to it over the phone.
What.  A.  Hoot.
I can’t wait to get home and hear it in person.  And, of course, videotape hours and hours of it.  And then post it.  Did you think you’d be spared?


  • Aimee

    sorry that your little man doesn\’t sleep…i have a hard time keeping mine awake long enought for him to have a proper feeding…which in turn means that my nipples kill me cause he eats all the time in order to be full…he latches on and then goes to sleep…what a silly boy he is…
    can\’t wait to hear Jaxton laugh…♥~♥ :oD because you shared a smile…someone\’s day got brighter… :oD ♥~♥