Some Sad People in the World
Legally removing a de@dbeat husband from the home
I am really sad for this person. Good luck honey! It’s worth dropping the extra baggage! You can find a man who is NOT a deadbeat, or at least only a deadbeat some of the time, like when avoiding the process of registering for new baby items.
Things found in subway s@ndwiches
So far I’ve only ever found spinach, roast beef, olives, and the like in my Subway sandwiches. I hope to keep it that way.
New bride and gr00m bedtime jokes
Hmmm, this one’s a little n@ughty. I don’t think they got any good ones out of me, though!
Notice of Final W@rning
Somewhat alarming.
And now, having typed all these (@ symbols notwithstanding), I’ll probably get more odd searches. Awesome! More people to read me and find me brilliant! Or not brilliant! Whatever!
Back to work.