Categorizing Things is Overrated

Bye Bye Baby Belly

Went to the gym for the first time post-baby today, and aside from being stuck riding the stationary bike next to a small-minded, idiotic, loudmouth bigot, it was a good experience.  (Seriously folks – he actually said that he believed in social Darwinism – though he doesn’t believe in Darwin because he himself is a "solid" Christian – and he thinks that we should raise the speed limit to 55 in poor neighborhoods <did anyone hear the word "black" between the lines there?> because those damn poor <"black"> people keep having too many damn kids, and smart educated middle class <"white"> people like him can’t afford but one kid, so what we gotta do is DRIVE FASTER in "their" neighborhoods and KILL THEIR CHILDREN so they will stop "BREEDING" and oh God I just got up off my bike and said see ya, bud.)
This is not supposed to be a rant about a dumb person, because I don’t want to have any kind of response to his very silly and very hurtful comments.  This is supposed to be motivation to get me back in shape!
So.  I gained 32 pounds with this pregnancy.  I lost 18 of it essentially overnight.  That means – what does that mean folks? – why, yes, that means I have 14 to go.  To get to my healthier weight, I should actually drop about 22.  To get to my "I’m never gonna get there but we all gotta strive for something" weight, I need to drop 27.
Let the record show I am now at 162.  Let the games begin.


  • Aimee

    wow…some people should just kill themselves before they open their mouths…sorry that you had to sit next to him…
    as for the weight loss…i wish you the best…as i will soon be joining you! 
    ♥~♥ :oD the shortest distance between two people is a smile… :oD ♥~♥

  • super jane

    isn\’t it amazing that there are still people out there who think that way?best of luck with the weight loss!!!  you can do it!

  • Vern

    I like how the most "solid" Christians are the ones who are the quickest to prescribe intolerance and violence towards people who are different from them.  Those are two qualities that Jesus really admired!!!

  • Gillian

    Haven\’t you heard The Parable of the Mass Genocide?  Where, through a touching if somewhat obtuse story, Jesus encouraged his followers to go forth and wipe out everyone who didn\’t look like him.  Or wait, was that Hitler?  I always get them confused.

  • Vern

    That\’s a mistake that\’s easy to make!  But no, it was Jesus.  He was filled with prejudice and hate.