Categorizing Things is Overrated

Still Breathing

The home computer is currently dead (YES!!! AWESOME!!! Unexpected expense # 243 for this year!  So glad we have a savings . . . account . . . er . . . so glad we can now actually start building a savings account.  So when cars spontaneously crash into other cars and motherboards spontaneously break themselves and we magically get spontaneously pregnant, all through no fault of our own – ahem – we can blow our savings instead of re-starting the old c.c. debt carousel.)  And I been busy at work, yo.  You are probably lucky, because I dropped off the husband at the airport AGAIN for the bazillionth time and it was lame and life is empty and yada yada, complain whine bitch moan boring snorezzzzzzzzzz.  However, I do want to continue the family history story.  I believe I left you on pins and needles, with Cathy sitting on her stoop, still damp from the car wash suds, and Ed driving off to a date with somebody else in his newly cleaned car.
The story continues . . . later today . . . after I eat/take heartburn meds/pee ten times/pregnant complain whine moan etc.
PS less than 9 weeks left until the due date.  Whoa.  I say, whoa.
PPS The weird dreams continue.  2 nights ago – I gave birth to an infant who could speak complete sentences, and was bossily critiquing my diaper changing.  Last night – I went to a madrasah in Pakistan with my high school marching band.  About 50 be-robed Muslims (this is how my dream self labeled them) came into the room where we were, brandishing machetes.  They began an elaborate musical number, singing joyously and waving their weapons like marching band flags.  Then they left.  We later heard on the news that they were all hanged for singing Western music, and we cried.  What could tonight have in store for me?  Stay tuned.

One Comment

  • Aimee

    9 weeks…that is crazy…i am so glad that i am not even half way through….i am so scared to actually physically give birth….i mean so scared…wondering if they could just cut me open and take it out…ha ha ha…
    as for the dreams…love them…can\’t wait until i get there….cause woman you sound like you might be eating something spicy befor bed…
    and really in the end are we ever out of debt? relax….
    *~* :o) always remember to be happy… :o) because you never know who is falling in love with your smile… :o) *~*