Categorizing Things is Overrated

Getting Out of the House

I started a blog about the places where it is appropriate to take a child.  I wanted opinions from my MASSES of readers.  Then I realized – I know what I think!  And I don’t care what ya’ll think!  So I erased it.  J


Seriously, though, Patrick and I are fairly liberal.  You can take a kid just about anywhere that an adult can go and not cause harm to the child.  Some mothers have pretty firm ideas about protecting young kids’ virgin ears and eyes from unclean things, like nudey bits in movies or people drinking alcohol.  My ideas about that are different.  I won’t take my kid to a strip club (what fun would that be??), but if he saw a naked lady in a movie I wouldn’t hide his eyes.  I’d be the annoying kind of mom for whom every exposure to adult themes would lead to a “teaching moment,” and he’s totally going to roll his eyes at me, but I think he’ll grow up with some very important knowledge.  Ladies and men get naked together, and that is called sex.  Sometimes grown ups have a special kind of drink that makes them act silly, and that is called beer.  When somebody holds a stick up to his mouth and smoke comes out the end, that is called a cigarette, and it makes him feel good but it hurts his lungs and makes him cough.  Maybe being in HR has helped me learn how to have awkward conversations, or maybe I’ve just seen the results when kids learn this stuff from other kids and not from their parents.  Anyway, I don’t fear the exposure of my child to the wider, non-Disneyfied world.  I want to be there when he gets that exposure, and help him develop good ways of handling it, so when he gets old enough that I’m not there, he isn’t experiencing it for the first time.  And making dumb choices.


So.  That’s established.  Now, my qualms come with how having a kid around makes other people feel.  If I feel like having a beer with friends at a bar at 3pm on a Saturday, but I’d have to bring my kid . . . I’m fine with the kid being there.  But is the bartender going to kick me out?  Are my friends going to be totally pissed?  Are other people in the bar going to give me the evil eye?  And do I care?


I would never take a kid who couldn’t “be cool” for an hour or two while mommy has a drink.  Presuming that the baby is well behaved and/or sleeping, presuming that I am able to care for him and also at the same time enjoy adult conversation with my friends, presuming that my stroller and/or diaper bag are not in anybody’s way (and yes, these are quite the presumptions, aren’t they!) – well, I think I would go, and to hell what other people think.


So I pretty much answered my own question.  As long as I have an escape route in case the child becomes a nuisance, I’m going to take him with me to most places.  Parenting takes lots of sacrifice, but I also think it can too quickly devolve into martyrdom.  And yes, there are lots of people in this world who think that they didn’t choose to have kids, and therefore they shouldn’t have to put up with kids, and to a degree they are correct.  But – we all share the world with people that perhaps we would prefer not to.  As long as I’m not allowing my child to be rude and obtrusive, I think other folks can do the imaginative work to pretend he isn’t there.


We’ll see.  I really have no idea what’s going to happen in this vein.  We may never have trouble.  We may get lectured on our parenting.  We may get kicked out of places.  We may have a totally rotten colicky hyper difficult kid that I never want to take anywhere anyway.  J  After the way he’s behaved all morning, I’m beginning to think that is more and more a possibility.  Seriously, I didn’t know a little person that weighs 3.5 pounds could kick you hard enough to take your breath away.  He kicked me so hard and awkwardly this morning that I doubled over in a meeting and went PHOOO, involuntarily.  It HURT.   I can’t wait til he gets big enough that there isn’t any more room to move in there, because this aggression will not stand, man.  Especially when mommy is at WORK.  Tone it down there, kiddo.  Mommy’s busy writing blogs, she doesn’t have time to shift to the position that most comfortably accommodates your rapidly growing limbs, especially since you can’t seem to make up your mind about just exactly what position that is.


  • Nora

    I have a pretty similar attitude I think.  I would say since having two there are a lot more places I won\’t go, but mostly because I get stressed as the kids go nuts, or even if I think they are going to go nuts. My husband has poor kidgar and I can\’t tell you how many times we have showed up to be the only parents with kids or the only parents without kids.  I am crazy and try to ask the host.  However the real problem with taking your kids places is sometimes they are very immature and don\’t behave, I try to correct them and if it gets worse we leave.  FYI this happens a lot when they are in the 2-3 age range and fits ensue.  But they do get less often.  I have only carried Max screaming and kicking out of a place once this week.  So to break your bubble, that kicking isn\’t stopping anytime soon. ; )Oh and  I don\’t recommend taking your breastfed kid to a strip club, it is too confusing for them.

  • Nice Girl

    Okay.  I don\’t have kids.  I am not planning on any kids anytime super soon.  And I know how people with kids feel about people without kids judging their parenting.  However.  What you wrote below is exactly how I feel. I don\’t mind if your kid is out with you, but if your kid starts throwing a holy fit and you just sit there and let it go on for twenty minutes…I want to throttle you.  I know that kids throw fits and that kids get tired and that kids are kids.  But please.  I think you\’ve hit it right on the head.  And, parents, if your kid is screaming bloody murder or is throwing things or is causing a ruckus, please do what my Dad did and take the kid out to the car (or out of the situation at least) for a calming down.  Please do not ignore it.  Please?
    As long as I’m not allowing my child to be rude and obtrusive, I think other folks can do the imaginative work to pretend he isn’t there.

  • Erin

    I am already livid on your behalf about the asinine comments that will most certainly come your way in the next six years. People are allowed to be judgemental and mean–in their own heads or in a whisper to their companions. But people are NOT allowed to tell you how to do or not do something or let you know just how put out they are by your (or your child\’s) behavior. And we both know that people WILL do this no matter what.
    However, I am often one of those whisperedly judgemental and mean people when new parents (whom I understand just need a break) bring a 9-month-old with them to an R-rated movie and don\’t take them out in the hall when they scream and cry for 2/3 of the feature. But I would NEVER tell them off for it.

  • Aimee

    still very scared to feel that kicking…
    *~* :o) always remember to be happy… :o) because you never know who is falling in love with your smile… :o) *~*