Categorizing Things is Overrated


Happy Valentine’s Day!
Valentines I’ve gotten so far today:
1. A good morning kiss on the fingertips from Virgil
2. A beautiful surprise blanket of snow from God
3. A clever little webcam trick from my husband
4. A head butt ’round the shins from Bella
5. A quick and easy windshield-defrosting experience from my car
6. A morning commute phone call from my mom
7. A kiddie Valentine and some chocolates from my co-worker
8. A kick in the ribs from my kid (it was a very affectionate kick)
And it’s only 9:00!
Lots of love to all of you lovely readers.  This is my Valentine to you!
(the sheep is just to make sure you’re paying attention.)


  • Aimee

    loved the sheep…i was like WTF?? and it made me smile…
    *~* :o) always remember to be happy… :o) because you never know who is falling in love with your smile… :o) *~*