Categorizing Things is Overrated

Fox News Update

At the gym this afternoon, Fox news was on the tv.
"So, Ken, tell me the status of the fugitive murderer who brutally killed a pregnant marine and burned her body."
"Well, Carla, the murderer, who is on the run, may have fled to Mexico.  That is, he is probably no longer in this country.  This has a serious impact on our ability to prosecute him in this country."
"Oh really, Ken?  Why is that?"
"Well, Carla, it’s impossible to try a suspect through the U.S. courts when he’s physically in another country."
"That makes sense, Ken, that makes sense.  But Ken, can’t they just extradite him back to the U.S. once they find him?  In other words, can’t they bring him back over the border to face a trial?"
"Unfortunately, Carla, this brutal fugitive murderer was born in Mexico, even though he’s a naturalized U.S. citizen.  And due to a treaty, that is, an agreement, between the U.S. and Mexico, they may not be required to send him back to face a trial, especially if this trial is for a crime that could lead to capital punishment.  So, as I was saying, Mexico may decide not to send him back over the border."
"So what you’re saying is, they may decide to allow him to stay in Mexico, Ken?"
"As long as the crime he’s committed is eligible for capital punishment, yes that’s right, Carla."
"So this brutal fugitive murderer who has fled to Mexico will probably not face capital punishment for his crime.  In other words, Ken, we can’t execute the man for his brutal actions."
"Yes, that’s right, though it is possible that if we promise Mexico not to seek capital punishment, also known as the death penalty, then they may decide to extradite him, or send him back across the border, for trial and punishment.  But again, Carla, that punishment cannot be execution, even though the state where he committed the crime allows the death penalty for his crime."
Oh, my aching brain cells.  Fair, balanced, and at a 1st grade reading level.  And also – innocent til proven guilty?  Don’t they have to use words like "alleged" and "accused of" and "suspected?"