Categorizing Things is Overrated

2008 – We Shall See

January 1, 2008 was absolutely spectacular.  Well, the wee hours anyway.  The driving home and the unpacking and the tidying up was just sort of normal, not what I’d call spectacular exactly, but the way we rang in the new year was just great and maybe tomorrow I’ll tell you about it.  Because . . .
January 2, 2008 has been totally awful, for many reasons.  Not just because of the blahs of returning to work after vacation, but various things that have happened at work that are not great.  The biggest bad thing was that I found out one of my beloved employees, one of my most favorite guys (a maintenance guy, if you remember how they’ve taken care of me in the past by surprising me with a full tool box for my wedding), suffered a major blow.  He took his daughter, a girl my age and his only child, to the hospital on Christmas day, and the word is that she "hasn’t passed away YET," which does not sound promising.  We haven’t heard from him since then, and I’m so sad for my friend.  He is in his fifties or sixties.  He has no grandchildren.  What do you do with that situation?
So, here I am being a Debbie Downer on Day One of 2008.  Well, Day Two I guess.  It was a seriously rough day, I wish I’d written this earlier in the day when I was feeling more optimistic.  But I’ll bounce back tomorrow or the next day or the day after that, and then I’ll post with some good stuff, which I also have a lot of.  I have high hopes for 2008.  This is the year our son is born.  It’s the year we both turn 30.  It’s the year I become fully vested in our 401k.  It’s the year of reaping some adult rewards that come from all these adult responsibilities that I have Reluctantly accepted over the last few years.  And it did start wonderfully, even if it took a bit of a dip immediately after.
Happy New Year.  I can’t wait to read about everyone’s holidays.


  • Aimee

    it\’s ok…life can\’t always be perfect…and all you can do for your friend is try to be there as much as you can…
    *~* :o) before you put on a frown… :o) make sure there are no smiles available… :o) *~*

  • Nice Girl

    I am happy to hear that your own year started off well. 
    My thoughts are with your employee\’s family and what an awful thing to have happen.  There is never a good time for this sort of thing…I know you will do everything you can to be compassionate and understanding.  I think it is wonderful that you are so in tune with your employees and I believe that, to you, they are all more like friends. 
    Amanda  🙂