Categorizing Things is Overrated

I'm All Done

I’m all done with this week.  But the week, it ain’t done with me.  No, no, it is 2pm on Wednesday and I have 21 hours left of working (thanks Amanda!) – because this week is not a week when people can take those things called Lunch Breaks.  It is a week when Lunch Breaks (and Restful Periods In General) take flight and spew feathers all over you as they go, leaving you with feathers in your coffee (if you aren’t pregnant and could drink it) and wrinkles around your eyes and probably droppings all in your hair.  That is this week – it is me covered in poo.
So.  Now that my hyperbolic tirade has ceased, let’s think of good things.
  • Only 21 hours left.  And if I leave early on Friday (which I sincerely hope I can do, even with the black looks from The Martyrs on the hall), it’s even less.
  • Our dear friends Kev and Meg got engaged on Saturday, and told us when they came over for dinner last night.  We toasted with champagne, and I even had some.  And then I had a little more, just to get me through the week, but with clearance from the neurobiologist (Kevin) and the nurse (Megan), and most importantly, the overprotective dad (Patrick).
  • I’m ordering pizza tonight for dinner.  Patrick is going to some friends’ house and probably doing the same, and I am not missing an opportunity to get pizza without him, which means pizza with mushrooms, which we never get anymore because when you love your husband you don’t force him to eat fungus if he doesn’t like it.  It’s a compromise thing.  Like he doesn’t make me eat pepperoni.  We meet in the middle with green peppers.
  • I’m seeing an old friend from my MA studies in England.  By an absolutely insane coincidence, his American girlfriend who joined the overseas graduate program that I did years ago (a graduate program that accepts about 30 students per year, maybe 5 of them Americans) is from our town.  OUR TOWN!!  Of all the people in the world.  So anyway, he comes here for Christmas every year to see her family with her, and then we get to see him.  It’s exciting.  I love me some Will.  And Will’s girlfriend, whose name I never remember.  Maybe they’ll buy us some drinks, since they’re coming with British pounds and thus will be millionaire graduate students, let loose in the land of the weak dollar.
  • Christmas is very soon.  Also very soon is a week or more of sleeping in, if my husband behaves and sleeps like a good boy, instead of following his biological imperative which tells him to be up with the sun!  Or before it, sometimes!
  • I am alive.  I am healthy.  So is everyone I love, touch wood.  Everything is AOK.


  • NJaney

    That was bizarre, I had so much more comment than just \’ i love mushrooms and \’roni on pizza\’. It sounds like I was told to write a statement including those two food items by my 4th grade teacher…!!
    Anyways, Friday will be here wicked fast, and you\’ll be away from the pain and into the fun times of holiday fever with your cute pup, tolerant cat, kicking unborn and happy husband 🙂

  • Aimee

    great to hear thinsg are well…funny though…Kenny and i both hate peas…so we never force each other to eat them…
    *~* :o) before you put on a frown… :o) make sure there are no smiles available… :o) *~*