Categorizing Things is Overrated

So Much For That

Perhaps I could’ve gotten away with skipping November 1, because I posted on another blog.
Could’ve maybe gotten away with November 18, because I wrote it on what was Saturday night to me, even if it was technically Sunday morning.
But skipping Nov. 23 and 24 probably disqualifies me for the BIG MONEY BIG MONEY prizes for NaBloPoMo.  Which is ok.  I would much rather have what I got, which was two lovely days with family and WITHOUT internet.  It is so good to take a break.
Tomorrow will be the T Day recap.  Today, after our 4 hour drive home took more than 5 (still not bad) is unpacking, followed by pudding, followed by Seinfeld.  It’s good to be home.  Sort of.

One Comment

  • Aimee

    glad you enjoyed you family…
    *~* :o) before you put on a frown… :o) make sure there are no smiles available… :o) *~*