Categorizing Things is Overrated

Har har

Searching through a headache for an idea for a short, utterly fascinating blog.  Here is what I came up with – a pirate joke.
Q: Where does the pirate with the peg-leg go for breakfast?
Haarrrrrggggh harrrrrggghhh.


  • NJaney

    Q: Where does a pirate get his hair cut?
    A: A BAARRRRRber!
    My co-worker just chopped her hair, looks awesome. High in the back, probably equal with her ears…then longer as you come to the front, so she can still tuck behind her ears (and probably get some back with an elastic). She gives me short-hair jealousy.
    Okay. Can I tell you something? I must have skimmed your entry quickly because when you said \’idea for a short…blog\’ I read \’idea for a short…bob\’. As in haircut. As in my pirate joke. And the random story of my co-worker\’s hair.
    Apparently it\’s my bedtime.