Carolina,  Domestic Bliss,  Jack,  Pregnancy Sucks, Dude

Subway Sandwiches and other Mundane Things

Another craving – Subway sandwiches. Oh. Man. Don’t tell my husband this (Professor, stop reading now), but I’ve probably bought 2 Subway sandwiches a week for lunch in the past month. Before being blindsided by hormones, I was a brown bagger – I bought lunch out maybe once a month, if even that. I was so good. But since I became a hormonal house of cards, and thereby a little lazier in virtually every aspect of life (hellooo, I’m busy building a human right now, I do NOT have time and energy to make a sandwich), I’ve begun cheating. Frequently. So this weekend I’m planning on buying some nice hoagie rolls, lots of lunchmeat, and cutting up sides just like they have at Subway, and becoming my own sandwich artist. **Note, the CDC says women should not eat cold cuts because there is a 0.0005% chance that she could contract listeriosis from an improperly processed cold cut and thus MURDER HER UNBORN CHILD. But my nurse said that was bollocks and none of the doctors in the practice follow it, and I like her reasoning much better.** In my Subway Club I get whole wheat bread (Grains), a slice each of ham, turkey, and roast beef (Protein), green peppers pickles olives cucumbers tomatoes spinach (Veg), and a tiny bit of low fat honey mustard (Calcium. OK that’s bull, but it makes it all taste fab.) So it’s a much more balanced and healthy meal than, say, my other favorite lunch obsession, which is one of those KFC bowls without the cheese (mmm, mashed potatoes, gravy, corn, chicken . . . . hot, creamy, good . . . mmmmmm). Or a 2 cheeseburger meal at McDonalds. These are both fully cooked, and also have 0.0000001% nutrients per calorie, so I think my Subway choice is clearly superior. Imp will thank me for the roast beef, I know it.

(Professor, you may begin reading again). It’s still raining, oh glorious week. We were down to a store of 100 days’ worth of water in our dried up reservoirs – after these 72 torrential hours, we may be back up to, say, 103 days’ worth. But it definitely helps, and it also works like a drug on the North Carolina populace – I’ve never seen a bunch of more sleepy and lethargic people in my life, myself included. I just want to listen to my book-on-tape (Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell, an absolute monster of a tome but so wonderful and perfect to read or listen to on a rainy, chilly, October day), eat my Subway sandwich, and snooze in the car/bed/couch. After a tremendously productive week, I feel I’ve perhaps earned the right to daydream a bit about lazy rainy day activities – if not to actually do them. Alas, one must put on a productive face at work, mustn’t one.

A busy weekend ahead for the Imp, the Husband, and I – we are building a fence, hosting a scary movie night (which = cleaning the wretched hairballified house, mulling some wine, making some sort of easily mass produced yet tasty meal, figuring out how to get a tv into a room large enough for more than 2 people), hosting a work Fall Fun Day, making meals to last the next 2 weeks, prepping my Subway sandwich stand-in materials, and purchasing things like STRETCHY WAISTED PANTS and FLAT SHOES. It looks to be a glorious weekend here in North Carolina – I wish you all the same.


  • NJaney

    I love the new look!!
    I need to catch up over here…but a belated Happy Anniversary to you at the moment!~!~!~!~!

  • Meg

    Just caught up on all your new entries.  It\’s funny (not haha funny, interesting funny) and cool to see someone going through their first pregnancy who is so like how I was.  Well, still am really.  And, GIRL… give into the cravings!  Don\’t force stuff you don\’t feel like eating… unless, that is, you\’ve had Papa John\’s for breakfast, lunch and dinner every meal for every day for a week.  Then, you should probably have a salad or something.  ;]Oh, and happy belated anniversary!

  • Aimee

    i usually brown bag it too but lately there has been a lot of Tim Hortons soup going on…
    *~* :o) if you don\’t have a smile to give… :o) I will give you one of mine… :o) *~*