The Professor’s fantastic night
My husband would like to tell you all that I finished Harry Potter VII last night. At 1:00 am. He was very pleased about the bedside lamp being on all that time.
He understands that I did not intend to read 350 pages last night. He appreciates that it is a very ACTION PACKED book and that I was not in control of myself. He likens my <uncontrollable urge> love for reading exciting books to his <obsession with> enthusiasm for baseball. In this way we can relate to one another.
He is already looking forward to hearing my <annoying chatter> synopsis and analysis as soon as I arrive home from work and possibly on the phone beforehand, which he will be completely absorbed in given he has read 0.0 Harry Potter books and knows 1 of the characters, and that’s because his name is in all the titles.
He plans on being particularly understanding when I fall asleep at 8pm tonight, given my 4.5 hours of sleep. That will make things much more quiet so he can hear the Braves game without interruption.
He will wait until Thursday to tell me that next time I want to read until so late at night I should plan on sleeping in the guest room. He knows I couldn’t take it today, having gotten up did I mention? 4. 5 hours after falling into a feverish sleep full of nightmares about quests and torture and death and struggles with adolescent hair (poor Hermione). He is so understanding.
you have a most forbearing husband!!
my husband understood the same thing when dishes went undone and underwear went unwashed (as did i) as i spent all day two saturdays ago chained to the deathly hallows. i don\’t think i even surfaced for meals.
but i\’ll be damned if i\’m going to let him know how it ends. it was MY time and energy that went into reading that book. he can wait for the movie!
what did you think of the ending? i thought the epilogue was a bit lame. and i REALLY wanted to know who is the new headmaster at hogwarts. and do neville and luna get together? and does hermione\’s parents ever get their memory back? and whatever happened to the dursleys?
rats…i meant to sign in using blogger before …sorry