Weekend Update
Oh, I love friends. These particular friends who came up this weekend, well I love them. We all had a great time, they loved the play, our house, my cooking – it was a warm fuzzy weekend of love, compliments, and happiness.
I also love free time. Although I don’t really know what to do with myself these evenings off. We are “living like monks,” as the Professor likes to say, in anticipation of the upcoming honeymoon. So we can’t spend any money on activities. And we don’t have cable, so vegging in front of the tv is out. All our Netflix are in transit in the mail, so no movies. We ran out of detergent, so I can’t even do laundry. It’s too cold to go walking. Wah wah wah!! I’ve forgotten how to have a night off!
Well, I’ll crochet or write up a budget or some similarly old and boring activity, and save my energy for an upcoming date I have with a couple of Saints. John, Thomas, and, um Croix, I’ll be seeing you boys soon . . .
One Comment
Nice Girl
Happy Friday, Mrs. G! So, something funny. As your page came up today, I noticed for the first time that your age is listed at 100. For some reason, that made me laugh out loud. Is that just how old you feel these days? 🙂
Have a great weekend!
Amanda 🙂