60 hours later . . .
Was that just Sunday, that I wrote that last blog? Well, Grace ain’t here no more. Grace has left the building, with Peace in tow, and Chaos and Rapid Resting Heart Rate have filled up their empty seats. Thus goes a Wednesday on a week when I am working on a show.
Last night, one of the college students was having a funny conversation – a consummate actress in that (a) she’s got scads of talent, (b) she frequently skips rehearsal or is late due to hangover or hooking up, and (c) already knows that she can get away with this because she’s so good and we have no understudies. Anyway, this girl (who I really like, by the way, despite her Lindsay Lohan tendencies) was saying "I am just wiped. I had to get up at, like, 10:00 this morning and then I did work study from 11 to 3 with no lunch break, and then I like had to study my lines between then and rehearsal tonight at 7. It’s flipping exhausting." I left the conversation without saying a word. Why rain on her little student parade – time will teach her what "exhausted" truly means. And while I write this, I’m sure some new mother out there is reading this blog and thinking the same thing at me! I can’t imagine adding kids to this mix.
I am enjoying working with these students. They are fun girls. I sometimes wonder if they think I’m this lame married person they can’t relate to, or that I’m some kind of weirdo trying to horn in on their fun group. Then I think – what do I care if they DO think these things? And I foist myself on their conversations, and make them be friends with me. And it’s fun so far. I’m giving them advice about Study Abroad (Do It!) and about working on a show, and they tell me stories about flirting with guys at the bar, or passing out drunk and being carried to bed by 4 other drunk roommates. Aaaahh, college.
Now I have to go interview some people, and then fire somebody. Then I get to go to tutoring, and then drive like a mad thing to rehearsal, and then crawl into bed next to my sleeping husband. Halfway through the halfway day of the week. This weekend I’m a single girl, as the man is driving to his hometown to celebrate a friend’s 30th – another one bites the dust! I have stocked up on red wine, girl movies, and fuzzy pajamas, and in the few hours in between rehearsals (weekend ones are getting longer and longer as we approach our opening) I plan on being a vegetable. And possibly doing taxes. If I drink enough red wine while filling out the tax forms, we may just end up with a nice refund!!
I’ll check back in on the weekend. Hasta!
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