Created a Monster
Favorite engineering profession? Arrrrchitect.
Favorite sock pattern? Arrrrgyle.
Favorite David Bowie song? Life on Marrrrrrs.
What’s a pirate’s favorite holiday? Arrrrbor Day.
Where do pirates go to college? Arrrrrvard.
What’s a pirate’s favorite line of menswear? Arrrrrrmani.
What is the pirate’s favorite play? Arrrrr Town.
Favorite radio personality? Paul Arrrrvey.
Where does a pirate park his ship? A Harrrrrrrrbor
Who is the pirate’s first love? Arrrrrrrrlene
Favorite Aretha song? Arrrrrrrr-E-S-P-E-C-T. (We would also have
accepted "You Make Me Feel Like a Natural Woman.")
And the pirate’s favorite Graham Green novel? Arrrrrr Man in Havana.
And their favorite medical show? St. Elsewhere. Who knew? (You
thought I was going to say E Arrrr, didn’t you?)
Pirate’s favorite cartoon character? Garrrrrgamel
Favorite board game? Paarrrrrrcheesi
Favorite county in Ireland? Killarrrrrrrrney
Favorite city in the fall? Boston (anybody else out there a Veggie Tales fan?)
One Comment
Nice Girl
Oh. My. God. I can\’t stop laughing! What a monster you\’ve created, but at least it has a funny personality! 🙂
Happy Friday!
Amanda 🙂