Everyday Adventures

Chilling Out on Sunday

It has dropped from 70 degrees on Friday to 30-something degrees today.  We have guests in town – two friends and their 4 month old baby.  The cat’s been pretty good – very sniffy, not very scratchy, which is how we like cat-to-baby relations to be.  I thanked them for bringing their guinea pig – whoops, baby – to the house to give the cat a trial run.  She can practice on their kid.
As it chills outside, we’ve been relaxing in here.  I’m about to have a cup of tea and work on some interview questions, while friend John naps, friend Kara nurses baby Sam, and the Professor does some reading for school.  Tonight we play Trivial Pursuit, 90s version, and we’ll go to bed early.  I would spend a few moments worrying about how old we sound, if I wasn’t so happy and relaxed.
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