HR Managin',  Sixteen Tons

Richie is my hero

I’m at work, doing a preemployment test with some people.  Even though my parents are in town and I intended to leave early every day this week, somebody scheduled this for me and I had to stay late, til 6:30 or so. 
I leave my door open, head to the testing room, and administer the test (aka doodle wedding plans while they take it).  I walk back to my office at 6:45 – and the door is shut.  Locked.  Keys to office and car located inside.
No one else, including security and cleaners, have a key to my office.  Only me and my boss.  The reason is for confidentiality and security.  Boss, like me, lives one hour away – and he is loooong gone.
Daaaaaaaaaaamn, of all the days!!!  I want to see the parents!  Mom is cooking us dinner!!  Come ON!!!
And then, aah aaah aah aaaaaaaah – my hero walks in.  Halo on head, rope in hand, he ascends a construction ladder, pops up the ceiling tile in the hall in front of my door, reaches through the roof and lifts up my ceiling tile, and lowers down a rope with a slip knot.  "Before I worked here I was a criminal," he says matter of factly.  The slip knot hooks onto the door handle . . . we hear it jiggle . . . awww crap it slipped off.  He goes in for a second swoop . . . jiggle . . . jiggle jiggle . . . jiggle . . .. . . . . . . . and OPEN!  Voila!
I now love Richie Jones, forever and always.  Chip, move over, we have a new best man.  Also, so much for confidentiality, HAHA.
And now I’m going home.  7:30 pm, dinner will be late tonight!
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