Life in Australia,  Like a Horse and Carriage,  Sixteen Tons

Last Day of Freedom

Back to the Rat Race tomorrow.
What do I do with my day?
I am paralyzed in the knowledge that I will be working long weeks starting tomorrow, and no longer be able to accomplish in a remotely thorough way the myriad tasks required of a homeowner/bride to be/cat owner/human being alive in this world.
So I’m doing nothing.
Well, catching up on blogs.  🙂
Here is a short Aussie story, from back when I was a free, traveling bird:
A cabride one late Saturday night after work.  It’s nearly 1 am, and I have missed my last bus, so I hop in a cab as a man in a businees suit hops out.  My driver is Russian – I can tell by his accent.  I tell him where I have to go, but he doesn’t kn ow it, so I have to direct him.  He says jovially "With directions, we can go anywhere!"  It is mostly silent as I call out the turns, so I ask him if he’s had a good day.  "Nott badd," he says, his voice dripping with Dracula-like drawn out consonants.  I have to ask him to repeat it before I understand and can reply "Well, me too . . . good for being at work, anyway."  I tell him I’m American, ask where he’s from.  "Russia," he sighs.  That’s a long way, I say.  We are both a long way from home.
We pull up into my driveway, and the total is $11.35, $13 with a tip I’m thinking.  I look for change, but have to hand him a twenty.  He puts a ten in my palm.  "Be happy," he says to me.
You too, my fellow foreigner.  You too.

COUNTDOWN: Still pending.
PLANS SO FAR: Went dress shopping yesterday.  It was so much fun.  Gosh, it’s like you are paying people to compliment you.  I’m not above it.
FIGHTS SO FAR: The parental difference of opinion is still unsettled.  Hoping to do it soon, so plans can continue.


  • Nice Girl

    Blogging is the last thing on my mind right now.  Stress is at the top of my list today.  As it was yesterday, last Friday, and will be tomorrow.  -sigh-  Who knew changing everything about my life would be so damn upsetting???  😉 
    Wedding plans being a mess!?  I would NEVER believe that!  It seems as though everyone has issues while planning a wedding.  It is a big deal for everyone (in a different way) and sometimes you just have to smile and deal with it.  In the end, as my mama says, you will still be married to a wonderful man. 
    Gotta dash, but wanted to say hi!
    Amanda  🙂
    p.s.  About the whole HBO girl…I know who that is and, from what I hear from a contact I have out there, she isn\’t really that happy.  She just has to look that way in pictures, honey.  Your life can\’t be compared to hers, but I truly believe that if you two were in competition, you would whip her tail!!!  🙂

  • Frannie

    What a lovely story. 
    I hope you enjoyed your last day of freedom and that you are loving the new job. 
    I love the pictures.  You two make an adorable couple and the ring is beautiful. 
    I hope you are having a wonderful day!

  • Liza

    I hear ya sister!!!!!
    I had my last day of freedom about a week ago and I\’ll tell you – I was paralyzed on what to do too, cause there was so much to do and so little time, but I was also battling with – if this is my last day shouldn\’t I treat it like a vacation day – and do nothing.  Man, it sucks back in the rat race and everyone says, "isn\’t it great to be back at work", i\’m like – noop, I had too much to do – unpack a house, plan a vacation, plan a life (although mine is alone right now – ha ha – maybe that\’ll make you feel better about your differences! – better than that than playing the "finding" game – trust me) I digress – I could have totally stayed off a year or two.  Just sucks I need the money. 
    I hope your rat race is a little better, let us know!
    Gorgeous ring by the way!!!  Looks like you guys are a great couple. 
    Happy Day!

  • Nora

    I hope you had a good week.  I have been very neglectful this week and hadn\’t stopped by. 
    Have you ever been by Marcie\’s blog?  She is got engaged this week
    too.  She is on my page (ruckus ramblings from Indy.)
    Thanks for the add, and may I ask, do all your siblings have a name
    from LOR? I wanted to name the boys names from the book but my husband
    said NO.  He did agree if we had a girl I could name her
    Arwen.  One of my friends named her little girl Anduin
    Brook.  I said "Oh, like the river" and she said I was one of
    three people who got that. 


  • Nice Girl

    Hey there!
    How goes the new job?  Hope things are still going well for you!  Any more news on the wedding front?  I think Charleston or Savannah would be gorgeous! 
    Things here are getting better every day.  Miss hearing from you!
    Amanda  🙂
    p.s.  You no longer have to be jealous of that gal from school who is now in an HBO show.  I saw a part of it and she had to act like she was giving Bill Paxton a b.j.  Aren\’t you jealous now?!?!  I laughed out loud! 

  • Nice Girl

    I hear some plans have been made!  Congrats!  Rinny told me some details, but I can\’t wait to hear about it from you! 
    Hope things are going well. 
    Amanda  🙂